How to use Boost NFT?

Activate Boosting: To activate your point boost, burn your Early Contributor Pass & EnsoFi Boosting Pass. This can be done using via

  • After burning NFT,

    • Initial Point will be awarded based on type of EnsoFi NFT

    • Points earnings receive up to 1.4x boost for a period of 336 hours (2 weeks) starting from the burning time.


  • Boost applies to Lend Offer, Lend Contract, and Borrow Contract.

  • If you have multiple NFTs and one is already active, you can extend the boost period. The boosting rate remains the same; only the duration is extended.

  • If you have both EnsoFi Boosting Pass & Early Contributor Pass, system automatically burns Early Contributor Pass first

Example: Current boost time is 55 hours; by extending with another NFT, the total boost duration becomes 55 + 336 = 391 hours.

Last updated